If your external hard drive isn’t appearing on the desktop you can check it in Finder Preferences. There can be an issue with the port and one should always verify the Lacie external hard drive on all the ports to make is sure that there’s nothing wrong with the USB ports and the problem is with the hard drive. You should try another USB cable, maybe this can help to solve your problem.
Sometimes there’s some error or fault in the USB cable that the user attaches with the Mac for connecting the Hard Drive with Mac. Try another USB cable or Re-plug External Hard Drive to another Port Some users have reported that while performing a fast jam wasn’t helping them to mount their Lacie external hard drive but it was working fine when they weren’t performing it fast rather in a proper and slow motion. It’s weird but it helps sometimes to mount the external hard drive on your Mac. In order to mount Lacie external hard drive on Mac, you should try some tricks if they help to mount it or not.

Q: Lacie External Hard Drive Won’t Mount on Mac Let’s have a look and get more info about Lacie external hard drive. Here, I am going to give you some tips that can help you in the future with Kacie external hard drives if you ever face any problem.

But the process of performing reset using both NVRAM and PRAM is the same. There’s another thing that’s known as PRAM and it stands for Parameter RAM. NVRAM stands for nonvolatile random-access memory and it’s the tiniest amount of memory that a Mac uses to store specific settings and later it can access it quickly.